As one begins to understand their path, so too will they be granted the understanding of the Father’s love, for all that is done on a path will be done with the great love of the Father. All things done with love will touch the heart of a lost soul, and through the love of others will they begin to know My love for them.
A lost soul knows not of My Father’s great love for them, but their heart will open to this love through the love of others shown to them. Teach My faithful ones to do all acts with love and to speak only words of love and My Father will grant them graces for their own soul, for as one brings others to Me, so too are they blessed by the Father.
Teach My faithful ones to pray for these lost sheep of Mine and to allow the Father to touch each lost soul placed in their path with the love of the Father within them. In this way, both souls shall be brought to the Father with graces to one day live in My Father’s Kingdom where My Father has prepared a place for them, for all are welcome when they choose My Father.
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