The Father does not abide by human laws, but only that which He uses to extend many graces to His people. Although My people should follow the earthly laws which protect them, the Father abides by the laws of heaven, the laws of His Kingdom.

The Father sees things in ways not always understandable by His people. The Father knows the things which belong to the path of each soul, and He uses this knowledge to guide each one.  My Father does not rejoice when a soul chooses sin, but allows things to happen which are not always a blessing to a human mind. 

My people must follow their heart with the graces of the Father to choose what is right and that which is pleasing to the Father, although sometimes their choice may be condemned and misunderstood by those who know them. When a soul chooses the will of the Father and this choice is condemned by others, the Father will grant this soul graces of comfort and courage, and all shall be well with the Father, although not always in the eyes of others.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.