One’s heaven or hell begins on earth and each has steps which ascend to the throne of the Father. One climbs each step as they grow in their faith and as they experience the Father’s love. These steps will lead to the Father, but not all souls will reach and attain the same steps.  As one grows closer to Me, they grow closer to the Father and with each step, they reach higher and then deeper in their love for Me and My Father.

When a soul enters into My Kingdom, they ascend and remain at the step they have attained.  All souls are given the graces and the opportunities to ascend to the highest step, but few reach this peak.

All souls who enter into My Kingdom are filled with great love and the peace of the Father. All souls in My Kingdom are filled with joy and are able to see all other souls there, although they will ascend no higher than the step at which they entered into My Kingdom. One must always strive on earth to reach the highest step.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.