One day My people will understand the extent of all that they do. They shall stand before their King and they shall then answer to all that has brought sorrow to My Heart. One day, My people shall see before them the Almighty Father whose love has sustained them during their life on the earth. Each soul upon their death shall look up to the throne of My Father and be accountable for all they have done or left undone.
My Father shall then judge each soul, but each has already chosen their final destination. My people will know by the love they have shown to others on this earth or in their own heart. They shall have chosen sin over the love of My Father and their choice upon their death is eternal.
Tell My people that their time upon the earth is but a second in all eternity and they must choose My Father and His love, for My Father has prepared a place for them in His mighty Kingdom.
One day all My faithful ones will unite together in His Kingdom and there will be great rejoicing in heaven. All the earth shall sing great praises to their King, for at this time the earth shall be reborn and all those who have chosen a life of sin shall forever be banished into the nether world.
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