As one brings their will to the Father, He will grant them all that they need to follow the path prepared for them. As He prepares a path, He grants also the graces and all that is needed for a soul to follow this path. Often a soul does not allow the Father to lead them, but chooses instead to create their own path or to be misled by others along their path.
A soul must give all to the Father with an open heart and mind so the graces of guidance can flow through their heart and lead them along their path. Often a soul gets discouraged and finds great difficulty or confusion and may go off their path. But a soul who gives all to the Father will be blessed with the graces to continue along the path the Father has prepared for them.
Teach My people to each day bring their all to the Father. In this way, He is able to lead them to all that has been prepared for them in their earthly life. The Father never abandons a soul, but will always wait for a soul to come to Him asking for the guidance needed to follow their path.
Teach My people to rely only on their Father, the One who knows their path and what is ahead for them. The Father has great love for each soul and wishes each one to spend eternity with Him. A soul who gives their will to the Father finds a path laden with graces of joy and peace for their soul.
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