Positive and Negative Energy I
I give out tremendous positive energy and this energy is the force which fights the evil of this world. The negative energy is also real, but My energy can never be consumed by this. It is My energy which generates all good things and the graces which you feel. I use My energy in many...
Positive and Negative Energy II
While it is true that positive energy comes from the thoughts of My faithful ones, so too, does it come from the prayers to My Father; but the positive energy only comes from the Father and is a gift to His people. All must give this honor and glory to the Father, for all comes...
Prayer I
Prayers are the pathway to My soul. It touches the very core of My heart and each word is heard by Me. Prayers are the answers to all the struggles you have, for through prayer, I am able to take control of these and put them upon My shoulders. With prayer, I can ease your...
Prayer II
My people do not always know of the great power of their prayers. When one prays, great beams of light descend down from the heavens with graces for My people. Prayers spoken from the heart carry many graces which surround a soul, and bring forth these graces for the needs of the soul who is...
Prayer III
Only My faithful ones truly understand the power of prayer and what it can do to a soul. My people must always trust and believe in their prayers, and know that My Almighty Father hears each word and will always grant graces to whom the prayers are for. If My people only knew what powers...