A trunk, a chest is a place to hold treasures and gifts. My people’s hearts are like this. It holds inside special memories of things of love, things which brought them joy. A heart may also hold things of sorrow, those things which brought them pain and anger.
My people must focus on the good things in their trunk, in their heart. They must focus on the love in their lives and those things which were blessings from the Father. These are the things they must strive to remember and allow these memories to bring back the joy and the love they felt during the blessed times.
My people must let go of those things in their heart that causes them pain. My people must strive to forget and forgive those people who caused them pain and anger. When a soul holds a grudge against another, their heart closes a door, closes a lid to their trunk. This door closes the door of love which the Father sends to bring healing for this hurt or pain and forgiveness for the anger.
My people must always allow the Father to bring them graces and blessings. They must keep the door to their heart open, for the Father has many gifts to give His people. These gifts may be gifts of healing and love for one another.
If My people ask, the Father will grant them graces to forgive and forget and the strength to do these things, for their strength always comes from the Father. He will grant them all the graces they need. Teach My people to not hold on to grudges, but to allow their hearts to always be open to love.
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