Abortion……….this sin hurts My Sacred Heart beyond all sin and all who commit this sin will be held accountable to My Father. The innocent victims of abortion will meet face to face with those who took their lives from this world. My Father will not allow them to enter into His Kingdom before there has been much purification of their souls.

The Father feels great sorrow when one ends a life that He has created. When one’s path of pregnancy is difficult, the Father gives many graces to this soul, for when one chooses life, the Father will only bring joy and peace to this decision.

One must always bring their fears to the Father. One must never feel that a pregnancy is a burden or a curse, for when the Father gives life, it is never to be taken away by others. The Father has a path and a purpose for each soul created. Only the Father chooses to end this life, for the Father knows all, and knows what life holds for each soul.

Teach My people to love all life given to them. Teach My people to love all souls, and to know that the Father controls all things in their life, and each life given to them will be a blessing when their heart is open to this gift the Father has given.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.