Sirach 13:13 “Be on your guard and take care never to accompany men of violence.”
Many times My people create temptations for themselves by being in places and with others who are not of the Father. There are many places of sin that lure My people. Without the strength of My Father, My people will go to these places and encounter things and people who will tempt them and pull them away from the Father’s love. When this happens, a soul loses their connection with the Father and His love, although My Father never leaves a soul.
There are many people who also tempt a soul to sin. My faithful ones know that these things cause a soul to make choices of sin. My people must choose to avoid these people and these places so that their souls will remain pure and focused on Me. Teach My people to pray for the strength to resist all these things.
Although some temptations come from My people within themselves, others come from an evil one that is not from the Father. When one is tempted by one such as this, they must turn immediately to the Father who is the source of all their strength. When one comes to the Father with this need, He will extend many graces upon them with wisdom and guidance and His divine graces to withstand the temptation before them.
When one brings their weaknesses, their temptations, to the Father, He gives them graces also of His great love which floods their heart and soul. When one feels this love within their heart, they will then often choose what is good and pleasing to the Father who loves them so much.
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