The Sabbath is a day for My people to bring their all to Me, to see their King and give glory through the graces of their prayers, for all are given graces when giving time to their Father.  My Father desires His people to come, to spend time with their Almighty Father, to give of their heart and soul to Him.

The Father gives all to His people and wishes their love in return. Teach My people to bring their love to the Father through the words and actions of this day, given to Him with the full desire of their hearts to please and love their Father.

Teach My people that giving their time to the Father is an act of love in giving their Father great praise and thanksgiving. Teach My people to come to Me with open hearts on the Sabbath, and to give all this day that the Father may bless them as they show their love for Him. Teach My people that My Father wishes all His people to one day come to His great Kingdom where they will eternally love their King.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.