My Father, the Almighty King of all people and Ruler of all of heaven and earth, is strong and powerful, yet desires the love of all His children. Although My Father does not need their love, He desires a return love from His people, for He loves each individual soul with a love that can never be understood by His children. Teach My people to give great honor and glory to the Father with words of praise and thanksgiving. Teach them to pay homage to their King for all the blessings and love He grants them, for the Father takes great delight in all His children.
His faithful ones are given special favors for all that they do for the Father, and for all the souls they bring to His throne. Teach My faithful ones to offer prayers of praise and words of love to the Father. These prayers are greatly revered by the Father, and bring joy to My Sacred Heart which suffers from all the sins of My people.
Words of praise, love, and thanksgiving should be prayers each day from My people. Teach them to begin each day with words of love for the Father, and thanksgiving and praise for all that He is and ever will be. Teach them to pay homage and great honor to their King.
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