“Be still and know that I am God.” These words would come to me strong and clear when I entered the little chapel at St. John Neumann Church where I would go every day to pray, and to spend time with Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration. I had been going to this chapel for several years before these words began to come to me in June of 2004. I was confused why I would hear these words for I was always quiet there when I prayed. After a few weeks, a priest friend prayed over me and told me that God wanted me to be quiet and listen in Adoration. My response was, “I know, but I am quiet already!”

So being a former classroom teacher, I decided to take a journal when I went to Adoration, and to help still my mind, I intently focused on an imaginary blank chalkboard. When I did, words began to come immediately to me. The first words were, “Behold I am God.” Then, “I love you and you are mine.” And next, “I am the handmaid of the Lord.” I was then given the Bible verse, Ephesians 6:9. It was explained to me through this verse that He is the Master and shows no partiality to His people. With this knowledge, He explained further that He has given each of us gifts and a path to follow, and that mine would be shown to me. And so I began a journey that would deepen my faith and change my life in how I saw and understood things.

I began to take my journal each time to Adoration and starting with a prayer I began to write the words that I heard, and now today I have many journals. God always greets me and ends a session, and addresses me often as “My child” or “My little child.” Sometimes I sit and wait for words and God tells me, “open your journal” or “begin to write and the words will come.” At first I received mostly personal words, words in scripture, and then words foretelling of events that were to happen. Later as God began to teach me, I received words of wisdom and truth and a clear message that I was to share these with others.

These words are simple, and God explained that they are “for all My people who need to hear words that will touch their hearts in a simple way with love and understanding.” I printed them out word-for-word as I received them in Adoration. There are many documents, some long and some short, on various topics which He has given me or which I have asked about. At times, He would give me a Bible verse and then explain it. Not only do these words contain truth and wisdom, but also wonderful messages of love and comfort for us all.

This change in my life has been difficult, for I am naturally reserved and mostly keep things to myself. I was born into a large close-knit family and raised a Catholic. I love my Catholic faith, and although I always stayed loyal to my faith, my heart was not always with God. In 2001, I went to Medjugorje, a village in Bosnia-Herzegovina where Our Lady has been appearing since 1981. Through her powerful messages to us all, our Blessed Mother had a great impact on my faith, and through her I have grown closer to her Son.

I once asked why He chose me to receive words, and I was told that my path in life is to help bring His lost souls to Him, and that there are many others all over the world who have been given this same gift. I am only His instrument to bring Him glory and honor by bringing others to Him. God continues to teach me as I copy His words to teach others. All our paths of life are important and we all need prayers to stay on our paths. I ask for your prayers on my continued journey, and I pray for each of you who read and share God’s words with others. May the peace and love of Our Lord and Our Lady bless you always.

Marsha Luke

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.