God’s Kids
Children are one of God’s greatest gifts to us. No matter how they come to us, they are ours to make a difference in their lives and in our lives for however long we have them. Their souls belong to God, but it is up to us to teach and to raise them to be the best they can be. This is definitely no easy task, especially now in a social media world where they are inundated with all the world has to offer, both good and bad.
Regardless of their age, children and teens are like little recorders. They are always watching and listening even when we think they are not tuned in to us. They watch what we do, and they listen to what we say. They watch how we treat others, and how we handle a family crisis. They will not always obey us, but whatever the age, they never fail to imitate us. We must never underestimate the influence we have on our children even when they act like everyone else is more important than their parents.
There is much evil in our world which can often consume the vulnerable minds and hearts of God’s youth. They are surrounded by worldly things, videos, images, and words which tempt them to sin against purity, honesty, and righteousness. However, there is also much good in our world, and because their minds record everything, fill their minds with good things and things of God. If you do not, our world will teach them something else.
Help them to open their hearts to God’s blessings and goodness, and to absorb his teachings of compassion, and forgiveness for others. Help them to understand God’s love, and how to use it to help others. Teach them the wisdom of scripture, and what is truth. Show them examples of kindness, generosity, and acts of love for others. These are the things which will help them to overcome the evil they see and hear each day, and to become who God created them to be.
These young souls will also listen how you talk about God, and in the busyness of life, they will notice if you make time for God. What you teach them now will help them throughout their lives, and how to handle all that comes their way. Teach them early to bring everything to God.
Our world needs people who will be there for others, and who will pray with love for all of us and each other. If you think your children are too old now, it is never too late to begin, for God will send you plenty of help along the way. Do not let this important time in your child’s life go by without touching their souls. Teach God’s children to come and know him always as their hope, as the one who can give them eternal wisdom and guidance long after you are no longer with them. God will bless all you do.
Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.
For awhile now, God has been putting children in my path. It has happened before, but I am only now coming to understand what he is asking of me. I believe he wants me to “teach Jesus”, to 2 different families. These families are special. I just looked at your blog regarding “Blessed Chaos”, and I believe your book, “Words for God’s People “, will be an indispensable tool for me in this daunting project. Thank you my friend!
Cynthia, your “yes” to God is all he needs to take you along this path of teaching his little ones and their families. God has given you so much wisdom and faith and your heart is open. Go forward and see where God takes you and know that he will give you all that you need. Keep me updated and let me know how I can help you. You are always in my prayers and will pray for this for you each day.