Have you ever planned a day that does not turn out like you expected? Sometimes our day takes strange turns, or something out of the ordinary happens. At the end of the day, you may be thinking, “Where did that come from?” or “How did that happen?” I believe we have a God of the mystery and the unexpected, and we certainly have an interesting God. No matter how well you plan your day, God may have other plans for you.
I remember one night several years ago as I was leaving the chapel where I went to pray in the evenings. I got pulled over by a state trooper because the light over my license plate was out. He asked me what I was doing and where I had been. When I told him about the chapel, he asked me to pray for him. He wrote out a warning ticket, but as he came back up to my window, he said the license plate light suddenly came back on. I knew at that point this must be a God-thing and prayed for him every day. Two months later, this same trooper pulled me over again during the day for going 5 miles over the speed limit. We recognized each other, and I asked him how things were going. He replied, “I am doing better,” but he asked me to continue to pray for him. I told him prayers work both ways, and he could pray for me too. To this day, I continue to pray for him in my daily prayers. God does not always let us see the result of our prayers, but occasionally he grants us that grace.
At the beginning of each day, we can ask God what we are to do for him that day. But then we need to go about our day always prepared for any changes that may come up. Some days may be well on schedule, but others may go a different direction. You may at times wonder if something happened because of a coincidence. However, with God in control, it would be a God-incidence.
God’s will and his timing are not of our world or understanding. Often, we are in a hurry and we pray for quick answers, forgetting that God’s timing is perfect. He sees and knows the future path of each soul he has created, and he really sees no need to hurry in his plans. As humans, we have “tunnel vision,” and we often see things in only one way, but the Father sees things in all ways. He sees the big picture, and the needs of all the souls who intersect our path.
Never underestimate the power of your path, what God will have you do for him, and the influence you have on another. We must always be aware and open to all who may cross our paths, even for just a moment. We never know how he will use us, but it will always be for good. Remember our path in life is to love our God, to love each other, and to bring others to him.
Each day keep your heart open for at any moment God may interrupt your day with a challenge. He may ask you to love, to offer care, to help someone who needs what you have whether it is wisdom, encouragement, or something you are not even aware of. We do have a God who may surprise us at any moment. So how open are you to letting God change your plans?
Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.