Who Prays for You?

If I were to ask you the simple question, “Who prays for you?”, would you be able to answer with specific names? I once asked this question of a friend and she hesitated a few moments and answered, “I don’t think anyone does.” Many people who come from a praying family or friends never really think about this question, taking for granted that someone is praying. However, others lack that family or friend prayer support.

Several years ago, as I drove down the road on the way to or from my house, I would often see a lady walking. I told myself the next time I saw her, I would offer her a ride. Shortly after I did just that, and Janet and I became friends. I continued to give her rides to and from work as well as other errands for the next three years. She came from a family of only a sister who lived in another state and who was a drug addict. She had no other family or friends. I took on the privilege of praying for her and still do to this day. Prayer is so important and there are many people who have no one to pray for them…….no one.

God needs us to pray for each other for not only does it bring graces to those in need, but as we pray, it connects our hearts directly to God. Prayers are never wasted and always needed. As a visual, imagine there are great beams of light descending from the heavens with graces to the person we are praying for. Our prayers for others are a gift to them, but as we pray, we are given gifts from God, for he is most pleased when we, as his faithful children, pray for each other.

As God’s candles, we are always needed to help his people especially those who do not yet know or accept his love and have no one to pray for them. As we strive to help them, one of our greatest resources are our prayers. Prayers are powered by love. Love is the key to all that one does and so love with prayer knows no boundaries and no obstacles.

Once I had a friend who asked me to pray for her baby son and of course I said yes. My prayers for her tiny son, however, would never be as powerful as hers because of her great love for him. Prayers said from the heart with love are the most powerful prayers. Understanding that such prayers are a tremendous gift, it is important we pray for our families, friends, and those we love.

We are God’s faithful ones and his prayer warriors. We pray for those we know because we love them, and we pray for those we do not know because someone we love asks us or because God asks us. If we are listening and keeping our heart open, we will discover that God gives us many people to pray for. At times, someone may briefly cross your path and catches your attention for a moment. Have you ever been driving, and you hear sirens and know that someone needs immediate prayers? Have you ever seen a stressed and tired parent or a child in a store that touched your heart in a compassionate way? Did you ever meet a young person struggling with peer pressure or being bullied? Have you read stories of our persecuted brothers and sisters trying to live their faith in India or China? What about refugees from Syria who are looking for safety far from their country? Do you feel the need to pray for our country in the midst of a pandemic and violence as we all struggle to live our lives and take care of our families?

God is love and the best gift he gave us is the sacrifice of his Son, Jesus Christ. He sent his Son to earth to suffer and die for our sins, and to give us hope of eternal life with him. We may not be asked to give our life for another, but as God’s faithful ones, we can give a great gift to our brothers and sisters in Christ through our prayers. Prayer is a gift that God has given to each of us, a gift that no one can take away. Use this wonderful gift to pray for those we love, and for those no one prays for. We have no idea the impact our prayers can have on another and perhaps one day God will show how he used them in ways we cannot imagine. Such a gift to be one of his candles!

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.

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