John 3:17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.
Our world is changing and will continue to change as we usher in another presidency. Changes often bring about fear and uncertainty. We may fear the loss of rights, stability, and freedom causing anxiety and worry. What happens now?
No matter how we feel about a big change, we must always remember three important parts of our faith.
1. Control……God is in control. He has not, nor will he ever abandon his people. He sees and knows all that has occurred, and he knows and controls the future.
2. Plan……God has a plan. He will open many avenues for us and each will achieve what he has already planned. Each avenue will allow his faithful ones to bring hope and love to those in distress or who are apprehensive. We may not understand his plan, for often God does not let us know his plan or our paths. If he told us, many of us would try to do it by ourselves instead of depending on the one who has the control.
3. Trust……Trust God. Although love is the focus of our path, trust is the core of our faith. If we truly trust God, we have no room for fear or worry. We must never forget that nothing is impossible with God. Although he may seem to move slowly, he often works in small steps teaching and healing with each step. With trust in God, we believe we can do all things through him.
Where do we begin? First pray. Ask God for wisdom and guidance. There is strength in numbers. Look for a connection with other candles. Join an army of these faithful ones who see and believe what the power of prayer and what God can do. Look for God’s light to follow. As with the star of Bethlehem, he will direct us where we need to be and what we are to do. Look for ways to encourage others, and to bring hope and peace into their lives. If God directs you to be his prayer warrior on your path, then pray with a passion and love for all his people.
No matter how we see the world, God is there. He is within us and walks beside us with each step. He assures us he would never leave us and is more powerful than all things which may bring us harm. If we truly trust in his love for us, then we have nothing to fear in our future. Good will always overcome evil. With God on our side, all will be well.
As God’s candles, be an example of understanding God’s peace and his love for each of us. May others see us trusting in God and his plan. When apprehension or hopelessness seem to creep into your thoughts, remember these three words:
Control Plan Trust
Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.