
Did you know there are 3218.2 million people in the United States and the population of the world is 7.8 billion? All these people…….and yet, God knows and loves you as if you were his only child. Sometimes I picture a beach with literally more sand than I can fathom. Yet, if I were one of those single grains of sand, God could come and pick me up. We tend to put limitations on God and what he can do because we see things in only human terms. God is almighty, always has been, and always will be.

Each one of us is made in his image, but unique in our hearts and souls, and exactly who God created us to be. We each have a specific path in life, and God loves us individually and equally. Regardless of the path we have been given, or how great or small it may seem to us, God thinks we all have the greatest path ever. He has given us the exact gifts and talents that we each will need as we travel along our path throughout our lives. Our unique gifts are meant to be used and shared.

Yet, as special and individual as we are, we are mighty and stronger when we come together as the Body of Christ. We can become a force of love, and an army of power with a wall of strength as God goes before us. Nothing is impossible for God, and with God as our Leader, we have nothing to fear. Our paths are different, but as we follow our Leader, our paths become one in bringing others to him. We become his example of love for all his people.

Wherever we go or whatever we do, we are surrounded by people who want and need to feel loved, and to know that somebody really cares. As we reach out to others, our simple acts of kindness, or taking the time to truly listen, can have an impact on them. The Holy Spirit takes over where we leave off, and we may never know how far our kindness or acts of love will go in bringing others closer to God.

When we leave this world and our path is done, how do you want to be remembered? What do want your legacy to be? God says that he alone is the judge, and when we stand before him, he will ask us how much we loved upon the earth. When we show others acts of kindness and mercy, we are showing them God’s love, and we are doing our share of uniting all of us as brothers and sisters in Christ. Matthew 25:40 tells us, “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.”

If God loves us equally and unconditionally, he loves all those with us as much as he loves us. As you begin each day, be ready. Ask God to open your eyes and your heart to touch the souls he places in your path. As the Holy Spirit points them out, stop, listen to them, take the time to show them unconditional love and kindness, and pray for them. Look for ways to join others in bringing good to the world and to God’s people. We can begin to change hearts, our country, and the world one soul at a time, for love is really that powerful.

Finally, as our lives and paths end and we stand before our Master, he will tell us, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”  (Matthew 25:23)

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.

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