Trust is the core of one’s faith. With trust one knows Me and knows that they can do all things through Me. Nothing is impossible through Me. Those souls who trust Me know this and believe in all things in their faith.

Those who do not trust Me hurt My Sacred Heart which bled for them. What more could I do to earn their trust? My suffering was for all people because I love so much. All trust should come from this.

With trust, there is no fear in this world for I am beside you in all things. I will never cease to love My people; therefore, all shall be well with My love. Trust knows this and knows My love always. One must never fear in the love of the Father, for He lives within each soul. Teach My people to trust Me in all things in their lives.

Teach My people that I am always near and would never leave them. My people must always trust completely in Me and all shall be well in their lives, for I am the light in the darkness in their lives and I am all that they will ever need.

Teach My people that I am more powerful than all things which may bring them harm. I am stronger than all evil. Teach My people to rely on Me when they are afraid, for I am their source of courage and strength always.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.