My people must understand that my peace is within them and My love overflows from their own heart. I am in the hearts of all My children. Tell them to speak to Me. Tell them that I shall hear each word and all that is spoken from their hearts touches My own Sacred Heart. It is here where healing begins, and it is here where My people will always feel my peace in the midst of their turmoil and despair.

My people do not always understand that your world holds much sorrow. There is hope in Me. In your world is much violence, but in Me they will find peace. Tell them to come with their troubled and broken hearts and I shall give them rest. I shall take their burdens upon Me, and their hearts shall be free to only love and to see the goodness of My love around them. Tell them to come. I await each soul with great love. My people must know that I am their only source of hope and peace. Teach them that when all fails them that I will be faithful, for love connects each soul to My own Sacred Heart. I am a Savior to all My people.

Teach My people to come to Me always, for only through Me will they find true peace and strength for all they are to endure. I go before each soul and My path leads each path to My Father’s Kingdom. I am their King. No one can come to the Father without going through My Sacred Heart. Tell My people to ask for Me and I shall answer. Tell them to call out to Me in times of despair. I will come for I never forsake My children. Tell them that I am their only source of strength and peace. I am all that they will ever need.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.