Philippians 4:6  “Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayers and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God.”

My people have many burdens in their lives and many things they do not understand. My people need to come to the Father with all their worries and needs as a child to their Father. My people do not understand the magnitude with which My Father loves and knows each one of His children, for if they did, they would never hesitate to come to Him with even the smallest concerns in their lives.

My Father awaits their requests and petitions. He sees and knows all these already, but waits for His people to come with their own will to ask. Even My faithful ones often do not come, for they feel insignificant and their requests even more so. My Father knows even the smallest things about each one of these children and their smallest needs, yet He waits for these souls in their humility to come to Him.

When a soul asks anything of the Father, He will answer with what is best for them, for He sees into the future and knows the things that they will need. Every request will bring a soul peace of heart, for My Father will never forsake His children. Even the smallest requests are answered, for My Father’s love for His people absorbs all their needs and He provides. Teach My people to come to Me always first and allow Me to fill them with My peace and love.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.