My people often need incentives to come to Me, but happy are those who believe, yet do not see. I give My people incentives to bring them deeper into their faith and to come to Me with the desire for the Father’s love. These incentives come at different times in their lives, but always when they need it the most, for the timing of the Father is perfect.

The incentives for My people are as unique as each one in the eyes of the Father. With each one, they come a step closer to Me and to My Sacred Heart. My people are not always aware of these things which I bring to them, but they follow with their heart, for the desire is there.

I grant incentives in many ways. Sometimes it is through the eyes at what they see before them. Other times, it is the spirit inside their heart which bursts with joy for all of mankind. My people will see and feel Me in My creations of nature, from the words of My faithful ones, and the words they read. 

All who seek Me with a sincere heart will find Me without incentives, for I live within them, and My love is there for them when they desire to know Me more. Happy are those who love Me when they have no incentives, for these are My faithful ones and are children of the Father. As one grows in their faith, they no longer need incentives, for My love for them is enough of a desire to come more into My Sacred Heart. Their only desire is to come to the Father and to His throne.

My people must never give up on their faith, but continue to seek Me always until one day when we are united before My Heavenly Father in His greatest glory, His reward for all those who love Him with all of their heart and soul, and will now live forever in His peace.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.