When one chooses to live in the Father’s love, their path begins anew for their heart has turned toward the Light, toward the Father and Creator of all. As one’s heart turns toward Me, so too will there be a change for all to see. My faithful ones live in a world blessed by the Father and full of the graces and blessings of their King.
Tell My people that a new world awaits them and as they turn towards the Father, they shall experience a peace and a joy unknown to them before. As their life changes, others will begin to see Me in all that they say and do. All shall see what the glory of the Father can do for a soul who chooses to love Him and to follow His Will.
As one gives their heart to the Father, so too, does their soul rejoice with all souls in heaven. When one enters into My Sacred Heart, they begin to imitate Me in their words and actions and all begin to see the glory of My Father within them.
It is a joy for a soul when one chooses to come to the Father and all shall feel great joy, for as one joins My Father, so too, does the Body of Christ strengthen for all souls. Now is the time for all souls to come to Me, for the time of My return is soon, and all shall prepare their hearts. Teach My people to come with great anticipation for the return of their King, and all shall one day see My glory for all eternity.
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