As the world changes, so too does it become a world of much sin. My people are given many temptations in which they must choose to follow Me and all that is good, or to give in to the sin before them. When one gives their all to Me, then I am able to give them many graces from My Sacred Heart which they will use to fight against the sin in their lives.
Teach My people to empty from their lives all that is not of the Father, to empty their hearts and minds of those things that pull them away from Me and the love within them. When one focuses on the things of your world, they find great difficulty in their lives, for sin often pulls a soul from what the Father has prepared for them along their path.
An empty heart awaits the graces and blessings of the Father. An empty mind finds words of love and praise for the Father. An empty heart and soul brings one to Me and to My Sacred Heart. With prayers and petition to the Father, My people will find much to fill a soul which is completely empty and with prayer, My Father will fill it with His love, His will and all good things for this soul and for all who they encounter along their path.
Only My faithful ones see and understand an empty heart set aside only for their King, their source of strength and joy and all that is needed to give glory to their Father, and to fight against the sin and temptation in their lives. In this way, a soul becomes holy and pure and allows the Father to fill it with graces.
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