Teach My people to always put Me first in their lives and then all things shall be given to them. My people do not understand the power and love of their Almighty Father. They focus on many things in your world, and often go through a day without a word or thought to the God who loves them with a love that nothing else can match.

If My people would speak first to Me each day and give their first thoughts to My Father, then all else shall be given to them throughout the day, for My Father provides all for His faithful ones, and great are the mercies and graces for their souls which will one day bring them eternal life.

Teach My people to awaken each day with words of love for their King and thoughts to please Him in all that they will do for the day. Teach My people to ask their Almighty Father to lead them through their day to do all that is pleasing to Him, and all that will be needed to do His will. Great joy and peace belong to My faithful ones who come to Me first each day, for the Father loves His people with a great love, and will grant many graces to all who give their love back to Him in their words and thoughts.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.