My people must understand that all glory is to be given to their Father, the Almighty King of all, and all reverence is to be observed always with My Father. Teach My people to bring great respect and honor to the Father and to cherish with great love all things which belong to Him. There are many things which give homage to the Father, and all these things are to be treated with a sacred respect for they bring homage to the King. 

Teach My people great reverence for their King and to bring offerings to Him from their heart. In this way, the Father will be given honor with love from His people. When one reveres their King and all things which bring Him glory, then they bring graces upon themselves and all shall be given from the Father who loves His children with a great love.

When one speaks to the Father, the Almighty King of all, speak slowly and reverently for He is a King to be revered by all and given great homage. He is a Father of only love and will hear all words spoken to Him, but words spoken with love to Him bring Him great joy, for He desires the return love of His children.

Teach My people to speak to Him in awe and allow Him to direct and guide them for He does this with great love. Give My Father praise always and thanksgiving for He is a generous God who gives all from His heart. Allow the Father to bring all good things and accept them with a thankful heart.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.