The Eucharist is My Body and Blood for all who receive. The graces from this will fill your entire body, soul, and your mind. It can bring healing to My lost souls, strength to My faithful ones, and joy to all. The Eucharist is Me, the gift of My Body and Blood, to you in the most powerful way that I can be to you.
The graces from this overflow your heart and your soul. There are much healing graces from Me each time you come to receive, and graces for all that you need to grow in your faith. What greater gift can I give to you than Myself, My true Body and Blood? It is the greatest gift I give you.
When one has consumed My Body and Blood, their soul is closer to the Father than any other time, for they become part of Me. The Eucharist is far more powerful than all My people can imagine, for the graces from My Body and Blood fill one with powerful graces of love, joy, and peace, and all good things from the Father. It is at the moment of consumption that one should focus quietly on the Father’s love in the sacrifice of His Son.
Teach My people to allow the Father’s love at this moment to fill the body, mind, soul, and spirit. Teach them to focus quietly and reverently on all that the Father may wish to give them through the Eucharist. Sometimes it is at this moment of consumption that My Father will grant special gifts and graces to His people.
Teach My people to always be open at this moment for all that the Father wishes to bestow upon them. Teach them to sit in quiet prayer listening and loving their Father who gave His only Son out of His great love for them.
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