Tell My people that the Father sent His only Son not only as a great sacrifice for their salvation, but as a constant force in their lives to strengthen their hearts with great love, and to fill their souls with graces for a strong faith.

Tell My people that the Son can bring them all that they need to dwell upon the earth until one day when they enter My Father’s Kingdom. My people must know that the Father’s Son, Jesus Christ, is a rock for their needs and can bring them great comfort for the burdens in their lives.

Tell My people that the Son lives for them and upon the earth gave all He had to bring them to the Father. Tell My people to follow the example of Jesus while He was on the earth for as a servant of the Father, He brought salvation and continued graces for all people. My people must know that the Father gave His Son out of great love for all His people, and to one day be able to welcome all into His great Kingdom.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.