Psalm 16:3 “Worthless are all the false gods of the land. Accursed are all who delight in them.”
There is but one God, one Mighty King who rules over all My people with great splendor and justice, Who rules with a mighty hand, yet, Who bestows great love over all His people. I am but one God although I am given many names by My people. Those who honor Me in My name are given many graces, and the Father is well pleased with each one.
My people must know that although I am given many names by My people, I am but one God, the same God to all people. My people love and honor only Me and My Father as we are one and the same. All other gods are false and do not come from the Father.
Teach My people to never worship other gods, but to focus only on My Father and His Son who are the source of all graces and all good things in their lives. Teach My people to pray for wisdom to know and love only one God, their Father who loves His children with a great and powerful love and will provide all that they will ever need.
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