The Trinity is God, made up of three, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is a mystery not fully understood by My people, for it is mystery of the glory of the Almighty who can be all to His people. One must only believe and not understand this great mystery of My Father, but all are One.

As one listens to My Father, one hears My words too. We are one and the same. I know My Father and My Father knows Me. When one speaks to Me, they speak also to the Father. When one speaks to the Father, so too does one connect with My Holy Spirit.

The Trinity is all things to My people and all that they will ever need. It is a sign of love and power for My people that all might see the great love of the Father as He is to all people, and the power of His Spirit to bring My people all that they will ever need to come to the Father and to His great Kingdom.

The love of the Trinity comes through the Son who gave all for His people. The mightiness and power come from the Father, and the gifts from the Spirit who brings all things needed for My people. My people must always believe in the Trinity to become one with Me.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.