It is true that the Father wishes all His people to be happy on earth, but greater than that, He wishes to fill them with a great joy, the joy of the Father’s love within them. Because His love is so great, He will give all His faithful ones all that they need and more.

While it is good to ask for things from the Father, it is more important to allow the Father to choose the things that you will need. These are the things which will bring the greatest joy and peace to His people. Have faith in all that you ask for, but know that the Father will grant you far greater than you ask; and when one accepts what is given with an open heart, then they feel no need to ask for more. The Father loves His children far more than they will ever comprehend and knowing this, one must always trust in what He gives and the graces that come with each gift.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.