Graces fulfill My plans for you. Graces are what you receive through prayers, those of yours and others. Graces are what helps you to choose good over evil, and helps to change your heart to choose Me and all I have for you. Graces are the result of fervent prayer. Graces come from a petition from you or others and comes also as a gift from Me, when you need help to overcome sin.

Graces come from My love for you. They are powerful and what you need to come to Me.  Because I love you, I give you many graces. It is the joy and peace that you feel, and the strength to overcome all that burdens your heart.

When you receive graces, by your love you can give some of My graces to others. Remember that My love resides in you, and graces awaken that love in you and in others. Through the graces of prayers, others can feel My love within them. My lost sheep will respond to graces.  Remember to pray for these lost sheep.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.