The air one breathes is but a small grace which the Father gives, but greater than the air which nourishes the body are the graces which nourish the soul. My people only know of the graces which they see each day, but the graces for their soul far more impact their lives and all that the Father has for them. My people must open their hearts to those graces which will one day bring them eternal life with the Father.
Teach My people to ask for the graces which will nourish their soul and bring them closer to My Sacred Heart where their eyes will open, and they will see the beauty of My Father’s love within them and within all people. Teach My people to ask for the graces for their faith and their trust in the Father and all else shall be given to them, for only these graces will bring them eternal life, and only these graces will bring them the Father’s love for all people.
These graces which the Father has reserved for all His people carry a power not yet understood by My people, but far more powerful than all else upon the earth and all else that their bodies may need. These graces carry the love of My Father and this love is all My people will ever need.
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