My people must know that all good things come from the Father. All the beauty in your world is a gift from My Almighty Father. One’s beauty is not on the outside, but what is on the inside, the beauty of their heart and soul.

One must not dwell on their looks and what they wish to look like. One must focus on the beauty of the Father which shines from their face. A smile is one of My Father’s greatest gifts to His people. A smile brings forth the light and love of the Father within, and a smile brings out the beauty inside another. Teach My people to smile often and much with great kindness and love for all. This is the beauty of a soul, for it truly reflects My Father.

One must not dwell on their looks, but allow the Father to create the beauty which He does with one’s faith and His love within them. My people need to always look for the beauty of others and allow the Father to bring out the beauty of His love within them.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.