Many of My faithful ones are given gifts from the Father of healing. Like all gifts given, this gift is sent to only bring great honor and glory to My Father, for in His name are My people released from all that possesses them. The Father gives this gift as a special gift, and when given is to be used as the Father commands.

A soul may always ask for healing for themselves or for others, but not all are given this gift of healing which may heal miraculously. My people must always be wary, and ask the Father for guidance and discernment when seeking healing from those who claim to have this gift, for only the Father can help a soul to understand.

Teach My people to seek only that which the Father may send to them for healing, and who the Father may command to bring healing to their body, mind, and spirit. One may not always know those who claim to have the gift, but the Father always knows a heart and all shall be well with the Father. Teach My people to always pray and seek their healing from the Father, and He will lead them to those servants to whom the Father has given the gift of healing.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.