It is only with the Holy Spirit can My people grow in their faith, for it is the gifts of My Spirit that enables a soul to find Me in their hearts. When a soul finds Me, they also know My love and are given many gifts to help them to one day enter into My Kingdom. As a soul begins to use their gifts, their heart touches the hearts of others, for all are One Body and all are to use their gifts to bring others to My Kingdom.
My gifts for My people are always to bring them joy, and to give honor and glory to the Father. My gifts are to bring each soul deeper in their faith and closer to My Sacred Heart. A soul may sometimes feel that a gift is difficult and a burden, but when one brings My gifts in return back to Me, I increase them a hundred fold. It is at this time that their gift no longer becomes a burden, but one of great joy, for My gifts are always gifts of love.
No love can be a burden when one gives all to Me. Only those gifts from the Father bring eternal joy and only My Father’s gifts give glory to Him, for He blesses each gift given to a soul. Gifts are given as a soul needs them along their journey to one day enter into My Kingdom. Teach My people to give great thanks for each gift given, and to pray to use their gifts to bring love to others. In this way no gift will ever be a burden, but only a source of joy and peace.
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