An umbrella shelters one from the rain. An umbrella is like My shield of protection for My faithful ones, for those who choose Me. It protects them from the rain of sins upon the earth, but yet gives them the freedom to move and choose where they want to go. It is a shield to ward off evil that tries to attack that which is within My will.

As long as My faithful ones will let Me, I will protect them from the evil, the things that can harm them in this world. They are free at any time to put away their umbrella and choose to be on their own, although they will open their souls to harm; but as always, they may also choose to put it over them again.

No harm can come to those who carry My umbrella of protection. Their lives will be protected until it is My will to bring them home. It is through sin that My people pull away from Me and My Sacred Heart. When one chooses evil over My love, they also choose to give up their umbrella. A soul is protected because they have chosen Me and My will. Therefore, no harm will come to them until My plans for them are complete, or they choose to no longer follow Me.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.