As the stars are in the sky and as sand on a beach, I know each star, each grain of sand. I know its exact measurements and all components of each one.
My people are like the stars or the grains of sand. Each one is known by Me and I know each soul and heart. I will take care of each one as the soul will allow, for I know the exact needs of each one and what they need to come to the Father. Each soul is greatly loved by Me. I wish for each one to join Me in My Father’s Kingdom.
Bells are a symbol, a sign of rejoicing and celebration or to announce a great one, a king who is to come. As a soul joins the faithful ones, there is great celebration in heaven. There is singing and rejoicing, for even one soul can bring great joy to the Father.
My Father knows each soul by name and feels a great love for each one. He created each soul and knows their every movement and every thought. Because the Father loves so much, He celebrates with all the saints and choirs of angels when a soul joins the ranks of His faithful ones, and has chosen to live his life with Him.
As each soul comes to the Father, they are then shown their plan, their path in life. As they give their hearts to the Father, He is then able to use them as His instruments to bring more souls to Him until one day, when all will unite under the mighty hand of My Almighty Father.
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