The Father created men in the image of Jesus, and with the strength of the Father. Men are created to follow the example of Jesus as a servant, and to imitate Joseph, My father upon the earth. God the Father created all men to be the strength and leaders of your world in bringing souls to the Father. The Father blesses each of these souls with a wisdom of knowing how to lead My people in the ways of the world.

Some men are called to lead others as priests, and to join with My Son to lead My church and all the souls who come. Others are given a path of marriage and are called to protect and provide for the family the Father has given them. Men are to be the leaders of spiritual growth in a family. Others are called to lead My people to the Father as a soul not married or as priests, but a role model and single servant of the Father. 

My Father created men with an inner strength and wisdom on the ways of your world. Rely on them to help provide these things. Although each path is unique, the Father leads his men in this way. Teach them to be open to all that the Father asks of them. Teach them to pray for guidance to follow their paths each day.

Teach My men to be strong examples of loving the Father, and to provide protection and the needs of My people. Teach them to ask for guidance from the One they are to imitate in raising a family, or following as an apostle for the Father. Teach them to live their lives as an example of the Father’s love within them for all to see.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.