In a world of sin, one will find Me always within their heart for here lies their source of strength, courage, and an unending source of graces. Seek Me in the hearts of others for here also I rest. Teach My people to look inside themselves for My love and as they begin to love themselves, they will also find My love, and this love they can give to others, for all are connected with My heart. In this way, all are One Body, for all are bonded with the love of the Father within them.

Teach My people to look for My love within one another. With prayers, they will find Me there and can help their brother and sister find Me within themselves. As a soul finds My love within them, so too, will they begin to see Me in others. Love is the key to all that one does for Me and My love never leaves a soul, although many do not find Me within themselves because of sin. 

Teach My people to help each other to find Me in their hearts. Teach them to know that My love is always there and I would never leave them. Teach them that I am love always and it is this love that will take care of all their needs. Teach them to always love and encourage one another, for then I shall always be in their midst in their search for the truth.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.