My people must always show love to each other even in times of distress, for all are the beloved sons and daughters of the Father. The Father loves all His children with a great love even as they sin against My Sacred Heart. My Father loves unconditionally.
Teach My people to love as the Father and to love in spite of each other’s faults and failings, for love sees all these things, but they never change a heart. Teach My people to see past the sins of others, and to love their souls with prayers for their hearts, for prayers can change a heart from one of sin to love.
My people do not always see inside the heart of another, but My Father sees and knows all hearts. Teach My people to love each other’s hearts and souls which belong to the Father and makes all people one body under the Father’s love.
One must always listen with their hearts, and with love and prayers bring My lost souls to Me in a way most pleasing to the Father. Teach My people to tolerate each other’s weaknesses, and to bring them the strength of the Father by the graces of their prayers. In this way, all shall receive graces and love and My people will become one with the Father.
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