Teach My people that I am their focus in life on the earth. Teach them to fill their hearts with thoughts of all that is good and all that comes from the Father. If My people only knew all that the Father can provide for them, they would not focus on the things of your world, but only those things of the Father which will bring their hearts new graces and their faith a new life, one that will bring them eternal life with My Father in His great Kingdom.

Teach My people to focus only on the needs of their soul for these are the things which will bring them eternal life. My people must always remember that life on the earth is but a temporary life and only a step to the fulfillment of their heart, so that one day they shall unite with My heavenly people and My Father.

Teach My people to pray for guidance for their soul, and to pray for their faith and their love for the Father. Teach them to ask each day for all that they need to follow the will of My Father. Only then will they receive all that their heart and soul needs to one day join Me in My Father’s Kingdom.

My people will then discover that all their earthly needs will be provided so that only their soul and the love of the Father will consume their thoughts and all that they do. Only then will My people feel a joy and peace in their heart, and their soul will rejoice with the graces and blessings of the Father. I wish all My people to be with Me in My Father’s Kingdom. Teach My people to focus only on Me and the love of the Father within them.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.