The key to do My will is to listen with an open heart and wait, for I will fill your mind with the desires of My heart. For all who listen and pray for guidance, I will give graces abundantly to hear and to know My will; but one must be open to all things, and must clear their hearts to be open to all which the Father may send.
Each day is a gift. Each day I have plans for My faithful ones. Each day, one must pray for the graces to listen and wait with an open heart. Only then can I give the graces of wisdom to do My will. All My people need to know these things for often I cannot get through to a closed heart.
Teach My people to anticipate My will for them each day, for what the Father provides for His children always brings blessings and graces to His people. As one does the will of the Father, He extends graces of pure joy and all good things to this soul.
When one gives their will to the Father, their life is not always free of problems or difficult times, but the Father will always bring joy and peace to this soul. Teach My people to always bring worries or fears to Me that I may take them upon My shoulders, and this allows the Father to bring that soul peace for the difficult times of their path.
Teach My people to give Me their heart at the beginning of each day, and to anticipate with peace all that the Father wishes for their path that day. Only My faithful ones know and trust their God with peace of heart in all that their path brings them, and this brings a soul joy always. Teach My people to listen with anticipation to the promptings in their hearts each day and to all that the love of the Father brings to them.
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