My people must always obey the Father, first out of love, and then as the One who knows and understands all that they are to do on their path. My people must trust their Father and obey all that He commands without question or reservation, but totally with an open and complete heart. Teach My people to ask the Father for His will for their life, for their path. Then teach them to ask for the graces to obey all that is required of them.

My people sometimes do not obey, for they do not understand what is before them, or do not choose to obey, for it is not what they desire to do. But when one obeys the commands of the Father, they are filled with a great joy and peace that nothing else can give them, for only the Father is their source of great strength and wisdom and love. He is their guidance in all they are to do, for great are the plans of each soul given by the Father.

Often sin may cloud the judgment of a soul and they may choose that which is not of the Father. Obedience always produces fruits of graces and all good things. Disobedience pulls a soul away from Me and My Sacred Heart. Teach My people the importance of obedience always.

It is only an obedient heart which hears the call of the Father. When a soul chooses obedience, the Father grants this soul many graces of strength and perseverance, that which a soul needs to follow its path from the Father. These things, with love, bring about a soul powerful with love and an instrument of great value to the Father. Souls with an obedient and open heart, allow the Father to bring many lost souls to Him through the paths of these obedient souls, so that one day all may live together in great joy in My Father’s Kingdom.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.