My Father has a plan for all who enter into your world. Sometimes their life may be very short, but their plan is very powerful. 

Vocations are as unique as My people, as the talents My Father gives to His people. To know one’s vocation is to listen with their open heart. All should listen and follow where their heart leads them, for this is where My Father places His will for them.

With prayers, all will know what they are to do and each one who follows the will of the Father, will use the talents and gifts they are given. As they use these gifts, more will be given until their life is complete.

It is important that each one prays for the guidance of the Father for their life. For it is only in following the will of the Father, that the greatest joy and peace of your world can be given.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.