These laws of My Father come from His great love for His people, for My Father wishes all to join Him in His Kingdom. He reserves a place for each soul, although many souls turn away from His love and all that could bring them eternal life with Him.

Teach My people to follow all commandments with great love for the graces shall fill their hearts and souls, and they shall be worthy to enter My Kingdom. These laws are to bring souls to Me, but to also help My people to love one another in all that they do, for one day, My people will be judged on how much they have loved while on the earth.

As one follows My commandments, their soul rejoices for their hearts will continue to turn toward Me and all that the Father has prepared for them. One must always know and understand that My commandments are meant for all people and one day, My people will understand that these are laws of love given by the Father with great love for all His children.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.