Love is the key to all things and to all suffering. The Father’s love knows no boundaries or limits and is given in great measure to all My people. My people do not always know that their soul holds the Father’s love within them and in this way, their soul always yearns for all that is good from the Father. It is this love that allows one to feel remorse for sin and the desire to do the Father’s will. It is this love which yearns for more love and is able to see My love in others.

But a heart does not always know of this love within the soul. A heart often seeks the pleasure of sin and often brings despair to a soul. Teach My people to help others to see and to understand this love within their soul. Teach My people to bring others to recognize and desire this love, so that in this way, a heart can see past the sin and despair in their life.

When a heart sees the love and goodness within a soul, My people feel great love and joy for their heart has broken down a wall of sin and despair, and has opened to the Father’s great love within their soul. A soul who has seen past their sin is then open to all that the Father has prepared for them, and their life becomes a life blessed by the Father’s gifts for others. The Father grants many gifts to a soul which has opened its heart to the love of the Father. With these gifts, they shall bring others to know and to love their God giving great glory and honor to their King.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.