Tell My people that the world they live in is full of sorrow and despair, but My Kingdom is full of love and joy. My people often cling to life in your world for they fear the unknown of death. If My people only knew that death releases them from the chains of sin, and they are then free to go to the light of the Father where they shall find a Kingdom of pure joy. Your world holds no key to eternal joy, but only a temporary joy that is often overcome by the pain and sorrow of sin, but death opens a door for a soul to enter, a door to My Father’s Kingdom. Tell My people to not fear death upon the earth, but to only fear the death of their soul for this leads to eternal damnation.

Teach My people to seek a life focused on Me and one that will bring them instead to the gates of heaven. Teach My people that I am beside them to bring them through the door of My Sacred Heart and down the path to My Father’s Kingdom. Teach them to call on Me for the strength to overcome all that threatens to close this door. When they call, I shall answer and all shall be well for they shall continue down the path the Father has prepared for them. Remind My people how much I love them and the great power My love can bring to those who seek Me with a sincere heart. Teach them to not fear death, but to look forward to a door to My heavenly Kingdom where they shall live forever in great joy and peace.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.