It is always the Father’s decision to bring a soul home. When the Father allows a death, this soul will leave the earth, but sometimes a death ends a path before it is complete. The Father may allow this because of the free will of another, but always it is the decision of the Father to accept such a death. Sometimes a soul may take its own life and this ends the path of the soul. This path is incomplete and ends, or it is filled by the path of another, but again the Father may choose to end this life as a soul has chosen. 

When many souls leave your world at once, the souls were each allowed to come home as chosen by the Father, although each path may not have been complete. Many souls are often spared the consequences of another’s choice or of a disaster, for the Father may change a path to be safe or protected from such an event.

Teach My people that the exact time of death of an individual soul is always allowed or determined by the Father, for no soul is allowed to leave the earth without the Father’s will.  Often the Father allows a soul to come due to the circumstances of a soul’s life and the choices they have made along their path. At times, the Father wills a soul to come because it can no longer follow the path the Father had prepared for this soul due to sin, either the sin of that soul or the sin of another.

My people must know that the Father controls always the path of each soul and all that they are to do upon the earth. Only the Father will allow a soul to come to Him early or with the timing of their path. Teach My people to pray for each soul who begins to stray from the good in their lives and who chooses sin over good, for a soul never knows the hour or day that they will return to the Father and when their path ends upon the earth.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.