When a soul leaves your world, it ascends to the Heavens to meet the Father. It is here where a soul understands their path on the earth and all that they were to do on their mission. As a soul opens their eyes to their life before them, they begin to see with My eyes of mercy. It is at this time that they must then choose where their soul must go.

With great sorrow, a soul may choose eternity away from My Kingdom and here they follow a path of great despair for they no longer have the gates of heaven before them. If a soul chooses My Kingdom they see the gates open wide before them. These souls chose to love upon the earth and all the love which they had shown now flashes before them. All whose souls they had touched upon the earth is shown to them as souls who were touched with a joy and peace from the love shown to them. As one enters My Kingdom, they see faithful ones who have gone before them and now await the glory for their soul.

My faithful ones must reach my lost souls before they perish in the netherworld for this world has no hope for all who enter. Love will break open their heart to find my love within their own heart. A soul must choose love upon the earth to enter into my Kingdom eternally.

The many souls now in My Kingdom pray for their loved ones upon the earth, but there are many souls who no one prays for. Teach My people to pray for these souls for the Father wishes all to come to Him now and for all eternity. Teach My people to reach out in love to all who cross their path for each soul interacts with another for a reason. Pray for My people and pray for those who have no one to pray for them, for all must come in love to Me.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.