My people do not comprehend all that awaits them in My Kingdom, for here there is no sorrow, only joy. Here there is no pain, only peace, for here resides the King, the Almighty Wonder of Great Glory and Honor, the Ruler of All. In His Kingdom is a place where all My faithful live with their Father and their brothers and sisters. My Kingdom is full of all that is good where only there is love and a peace beyond the imagination of all people. In My Kingdom I have reserved places for My people who come and live eternally with their King, and who share in the abundant joy of all My faithful ones here.  

My people cannot imagine all that is here for such things do not exist in your world. This Kingdom has no sin and therefore no pain. It has only joy not of your world and a love not capable of those upon the earth. My Kingdom is a great reward of all who love Me and who were My servants upon the earth. My Father knows each soul and has reserved a place for each one of His children, but many do not choose to come and share in these graces. 

Teach My people to pray for all My lost souls for whom there is a place in heaven, but who allows sin to reject all that is good and all that is reserved for them here in My Kingdom. The Father who loves all His children with a great and powerful love, wishes all to join Him here for all eternity. Pray that all souls will come with joy and the desire to join Me in My Kingdom.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.